I see you out there solopreneur ...

building your own landing pages, figuring out how to connect your website to your Facebook page, finally getting clear on what to offer your future clients.

But also, wishing your offers, messaging and sales systems were streamlined and simplified, so you could be growing an audience and automating sales. 

Trust me, I get it! It took me years of trial and error before I could scale my operation to 6 figures. Luckily, I took really good notes!

I'm sharing my step-by-step process in:

Summer Camp for Solopreneurs

Create Your List Building, Profit-Generating Funnel in 8 weeks So You Can Launch & Grow Your Dream Business this Fall!


Doors Close Soon!









I see you out there solopreneur sister....

building your landing pages from scratch, figuring out how to connect your website to your FB page, finally getting clear on what you want to offer to your clients.

But also, wishing your content and sales systems were streamlined and connecting you with new clients, so you could be growing your list and automating sales. 

Trust me, I get it! It took me years of trial and error before I was able to scale my operation to 6 figures. But luckily, I took notes!


Summer Camp for Solopreneurs

Create Your List Building, Profit-Generating Funnel in 8 weeks!

July 1st - August 30th, 2024 

>> Yes! Count Me In!

If you are struggling with...

  • how to attract soul-aligned clients or customers
  • tech platform and "solution" overwhelm 
  • knowing how to align the pieces of an online funnel for list growth
  • the social media swamp of algorithms
  • not having a system for sustainable income 

...then struggle no more, it's time for Summer Camp!

Would you love to:

  • Clarify your online business offer 
  • Find and attract your dream clients
  • Create a content plan that feels simple
  • Have someone show you exactly how to set up your tech 
  • Hang with a group of like-minded ladies who are ready to have a fun Summer of manifesting next-level business goals

Hi, I'm Deborah


I'm a holistic business coach and the host of the Girl Makes Firpodcast. 

I'm so glad you're here!

If the thought of having help to create your profit-generating online funnel sounded good, you're not alone!

I remember building my very first online offer like it was yesterday. (except it was actually 2007, eek)

I worried if it was all set up correctly... I cringed when I discovered yet another step to tackle before it was finished... I prayed it didn't crash or glitch or worse - never get seen.

I wish I'd had a program to guide me through it! 

Over the past 17 years I have built a successful, 6-figure online marketing operation, including digital assets, affiliate programs and live in-person coaching. 

I've learned how to overcome all the obstacles - and not just tech, but emotional challenges and mindset blocks that inevitably arise when you're bringing a dream to life.

Summer Camp is designed to make that a LOT easier, and also a little bit of FUN.

This program is for anyone who wants to learn my step-by-step method to clarify your offer, streamline messaging and build a simple funnel that will connect you with your dream clients.

We'll do this together over 8 weeks in our private group and I'll be with you every step of the way.

I'm ready to share my knowledge, resources and experience to guide you to success.

But don't just take it from me...

Hi, I'm Deborah

I'm a holistic business coach and the host of the Girl Makes Firpodcast. 

I'm so glad you're here!

If the thought of having help to create your profit-generating online funnel sounded good, you're not alone!

I remember building my very first online offer like it was yesterday. (except it was actually 2007, eek)

I worried if it was all set up correctly... I cringed when I discovered yet another step to tackle before it was finished... I prayed it didn't crash or glitch or worse - never get seen.

I wish I'd had a program to guide me through it! 

Over the past 17 years I have built a successful, 6-figure online marketing operation, including digital assets, affiliate programs and live in-person coaching. 

I've learned how to overcome all the obstacles - and not just tech, but emotional challenges and mindset blocks that inevitably arise when you're bringing a dream to life.

Summer Camp is designed to make this a LOT easier, and also a little bit of FUN.

This program is for anyone who wants to learn my step-by-step method to clarify your offer, streamline messaging and build a simple funnel that will connect you with your dream clients.

We'll do this together over 8 weeks in our private group and I'll be with you every step of the way.

I'm ready to share my knowledge, resources and experience to guide you to success.

But don't just take it from me...

Hear what my clients have to say!

Deborah helped me find my own unique language to express my heart on social media. She helped me create a plan for how to systematically post content that began to feel more and more like me, which lead to finding the perfect clients.

Cindee Rifkin
Breathwork & Yoga Trainer

Working with Deborah was great! She helped turn my website into an active platform with new ways to engage people who have already worked with me and create loyal patrons and repeat customers.

Laura Lanchantan
 Plenair Painter & Art Teacher

Deborah helped me move out of my comfort zone and take a leap of faith to create a new path for my life and for others. She goes above and beyond to make sure
that her clients truly achieve what they are seeking.

Lupis Ornelas
ESL Teacher

Inside your Summer Camp Program, you'll find 

1 - Money, Mindset & Morning Routines


Cultivate your rock-solid solopreneur system and build your daily plan to get the work done with confidence and without the overwhelm. 

2 - Create Your 

Irresistible Offer


Whether its a paid product or a list-building freebie, get crystal 💎 clear on exactly what your soul is called to share that's also going to bring in a profit. 

3 - Cultivate Your Dream Client List


Your unicorns are out there waiting to meet you, learn from you and have their lives transformed by you. In this module we get clear exactly who they are.

4 - FUN-nel Building 101


Don your tech-hat and learn how put the pieces in place for your sustainable online operation so you can automate your business and let it grow while you're relaxing!

5 - Magnetic Messaging


No more guessing what to write or say. Learn a technique to create weeks to months of content that speaks directly to your dream clients and excites them to work with you. 

6 - Your Social Media Playbook


Where should you post and when? How often and in what format? Embrace the platforms that match your clients and make the internet work it's magic in your favor!

Are you ready to step into your next level self?


Declare your dream, discover the simple steps and put in 20-30 minutes a day so you can begin reaping the rewards by Fall.


>> Join Summer Camp TODAY!!

Summer Camp for Solopreneurs Includes

Step-by-Step Trainings


Watch the video trainings as often as you like because you'll have access to them for life! Each module offers multiple lessons with PDF worksheets. 

8 Weekly 

Coaching Calls


Starting July 1st, we'll meet weekly on Wednesdays at 11 am ET for our Live Group Coaching Call. Get your questions answered and get unstuck with hot-seat coaching sessions.

Private Podcast of Summer Camp Trainings 


Learn on the go! I know better than anyone how valuable it is to be able to listen while you walk, clean, drive, fold laundry, watch kids or clean up the garden!

Take Summer Camp to the beach or pool and learn from wherever you are!

Tech Tutorials & Templates


I'll share my highly vetted tech recommendations, solutions to common problems and drag-and-drop templates for things like digital freebies and graphic elements for your landing pages. 

🎉 Enroll Today for Only $488!

Full Payment


  • 6 Core Modules to create your Soul-Aligned Offer and List-Building funnel 
  • 8 Weeks live coaching in private online group
  • Tech tutorials to ensure you won't get lost 
  • Replays of weekly trainings
  • Audio files for On-the-Go learning
  • PDF worksheets to clarify each step
  • Pay-In-FULL Bonus: 1 FREE Ticket for Lead Magnet Design Workshop ($97 value)

VIP Payment


  • Everything in the Core Program    PLUS
  • Three (3) 1:1 Coaching Calls (55 mins)
  • Customized timeline and punch list for your specific project 
  • Hands on help with strategy and tech
  • One (1) Free ticket to "Design Your Irresistible Lead Magnet Workshop" ($97 value)


🎉 Are you IN but want extra time to make payments? Our 6-pay plan allows you to join today for just $88!


The Burning FAQ's: 


Doors Closing On

Say YES to your list-building, profit-generating FUN-nel!









Space is limited. Join today to secure your spot!